So it's been like 9 months since I have updated this thing, oops....
Here's the scoop..
December Ry lost his job, and also my brother in law Erik. Then Pops got laid January 5th, suck suck suck....that poor guy. It seems like he is always taken a beaten. January is also when we found out that Little Mary is PREGNANT!!! It is the 1 niece or nephew, the 1st grandchild!!! This child will be spoiled! Erik did get a job shortly after they found out they were pregnant so that was a big relief. Other than that its been a pretty crappy year. Pappy's house sold which I thought was a good thing, turned out to make him even more sad. He's been living with us since March, I think?? It took Ry almost 7 months to find a job but he got one and is now working at Lowe's. It's not bad, a pretty big cut in pay but at least it's a pay check and health insurance. Pappy on the other had has even worst luck...he was able to get a job working in a factory but the guy said it is not a permanent job. He started off working nights 11pm - 7am, that sucked...then he got moved to 3-11pm. Still not great but better than what it was.
Mary's pregnancy has been pretty good. She has been pretty healthy so far and the baby is doing well. I have gotten to hear the heart beat a few time and let me tell you that child has "got a loud thumper" as Mary and Erik put it. They did not find out the sex so I am excited to find out whether I will be spoiling a little boy or a little girl. I really don't care what it is as long as it is healthy. Oh and she is due in like 5 weeks!!
And I guess for the crappiest new....Pappys is more than likely moving to Virgina, in like a matter of weeks. A guy he knows offered him a job and as long as it's a decent amount of money Pappy pretty much has to take it....This really sucks!! He won't even be able to be here for the birth of his 1st grandchild. I feel soooooo bad for him and everytime I think about it I wanna cry. Can't the guy catch a break?? At least let him see his 1st grandchild.!!??
I guess that pretty much gets everything caught up....I will try to update more often from now on. :O)